TREPS flushing (PRP) for implantation failure and thin endometrium

Implantation is an important moment in the development of a pregnancy, but unfortunately many fertility treatments fail at this step. Since it is very important to us to improve implantation, we are always looking for the latest scientific knowledge.

At the ESHRE conference (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology), the largest specialist conference in the field of reproductive medicine, a total of five studies were presented that investigated the influence of TREPS flushing, also known as "PRP", on repeated implantation failure and insufficient endometrium structure. All five studies showed a clearly positive effect, which is why we decided to establish this flushing for our patients at the Kinderwunschzentrum an der Wien with immediate effect.

What is the TREPS / PRP flushing?

The TREPS treatment - this abbreviation stands for thrombocyte-rich plasma flushing - represents an innovative and promising therapy for couples in fertility treatment. High concentrations of blood platelets (thrombocytes) and blood plasma are obtained from the patient's own blood. Platelets are formed in the bone marrow and are responsible for blood clotting and wound healing. They are high in various growth factors. TREPS or PRP is not a new term in medicine and has been used for a long time for poorly healing wounds and bone fractures, joint and cartilage problems and increasingly also in plastic surgery.

Through a blood sample, approx. 20ml of the patient's own blood is taken, after which it is processed for 2 hours. The body's own platelet plasma obtained can then be flushed into the uterine cavity immediately and painlessly.

In which cases is TREPS recommended?

This flushing increases the likelihood of successful implantation for patients with repeated implantation failure and is also intended to have a positive effect on a not ideally built up uterine lining. We also recommend the TREPS for:

  • Damage to the lining of the uterus from previous procedures
  • Ashermann Syndrome
  • repeated miscarriages or biochemical pregnancies
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus
  • Adenomyosis uteri (possible benefit)


Are you interested in the TREPS flushing and think that it could have a positive effect on your fertility journey?

Then please contact us for further information, we are here for you: or +43 1 934 69 79