The A-Z of fertility treatment

Everything you need to know

The topic of fertility treatment is very complex and extensive. Especially when you are dealing with it for the first time, you quickly feel overwhelmed by all the technical terms.

Our fertility lexicon from A-Z covers all the important topics and terms that you will come across again and again on your fertility journey. We have also created a section with the most frequently asked questions of our patients. However, we are always happy to provide you with help and advice and answer any questions you may have in a personal first consultation.

Transvaginal sclerotherapy

Endometriomas (endometriosis cysts) can have a negative impact on the surrounding ovarian tissue. Sclerotherapy is an outpatient procedure in which the contents of the endometriosis cyst are first aspirated and the cyst is then instilled with alcohol (ethanol) for sclerotherapy in order to destroy the inner layer of the endometrioma. Ideally, the cyst transforms into connective tissue and then degrades itself. The surrounding ovarian tissue is not affected and the ovarian reserve is spared. 

The procedure is performed under a short anaesthetic and takes about 20 minutes; after about 2 hours of observation, you can be discharged. 

More information on transvaginal sclerotherapy