Implantation flushing

Sometimes embryos of good quality are implanted several times, but pregnancy still does not occur. This repeated implantation failure (RIF) is a major problem because there are only limited possibilities to achieve pregnancy. 


What is implantation flushing (PBMC flushing)?

The body's own blood cells (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell - mononuclear cells of the peripheral blood) are specially prepared, selected and cultivated together with pregnancy hormone (HCG). This enables these cells to be stimulated in such a way that they take on pregnancy-protective properties. These prepared mononuclear blood cells are flushed into the uterine cavity before embryo transfer. This imitates the environment of an "intact" pregnancy and increases the readiness of the uterus for implantation.


How is PBMC prepared and administered?

Approximately 20ml of the patient's own blood is taken as part of a venous blood sample on the day of the puncture or the day before. The blood cells are then prepared and cultivated for about 24-48 hours. Then a certain number of the mononuclear cells prepared in this way are flushed directly into the uterus completely painlessly with a thin catheter.


When is PBMC used in IVF? 

Since the body's own cells are used, no side effects are to be expected. We are still in the early stages of influencing the immunological system of the expectant mother in a beneficial way. In any case, PBMC is a promising method to increase the success of IVF treatment.