Fallopian tube

The left and right fallopian tubes connect the respective ovaries to the uterus. At ovulation, the follicle containing the egg cell empties and it is the task of the fallopian tube to receive the egg. Fertilization of the egg then takes place in the outer third of the fallopian tube if sufficient sperm cells capable of fertilization reach the egg there immediately after ovulation. The fertilized egg develops rapidly over the next few days and goes through the first steps of embryonic development. During this process, numerous cell divisions occur and the embryo passes through different stages: multicellular, morula and blastocyst stage. During these five crucial days, the embryo is transported through the fallopian tube and ideally delivered safely into the uterine cavity. Here, implantation into the lining of the uterus can take place. During these five days, the fallopian tube exchanges numerous messenger substances with the embryo, so the fallopian tube is the first babysitter in a person's life.

If the fallopian tubes are blocked or have delayed passage, a previous inflammation is usually responsible. If the fallopian tube has a delayed opening, there is an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, also called tubal pregnancy, because the embryo is still in the fallopian tube after 5 days and implants there.

From all these things you can see how significant an open and well-functioning fallopian tube is for the occurrence of a pregnancy.


Fallopian tube & insemination
For insemination, the injection of sperm into the uterus, open fallopian tubes are required, as the sperm must reach the egg unhindered and the embryo in turn must reach the uterus unhindered.

There are now three possibilities for testing the permeability of the fallopian tubes:

Please seek advice on all three methods so that you can make a good decision about which one to choose.

Fallopian tubes & in-vitro fertilization (IVF)
A tubal examination is not necessary to carry out in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.